本周的主要工作 ¶
实验总结 ¶
- Lapenta2014 Motor network activation during human action observation and imagery: Murhythm EEG evidence on typical and atypical neurodevelopment
a) mu波的去同步化反应在观察中比想象中大 Francuz and Zapała (2011) elaborated an imagery task based on the ability of action goal identification; one of the main elements of the mirror neuron theory (Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia, 2008). Therefore, subjects learned pawn movements in a chessboard and then had EEG recorded in two conditions: (i) complete movement observation or (ii) observation of the beginning of the movement followed by imagery of the completion of the movement. Authors showed Mu desynchronization in both conditions with higher magnitude during observation (Francuz & Zapała, 2011). Lapenta2014 p4上
b) 想象任务需要高度的注意定向,因此在与任务相关的皮层上会引起ERD,与任务不相关皮层上会引发ERS。 因此想象自己的脚运动的时候,在周围电极 C3 会引发ERS; CZ会引发ERD 想象脚和舌头运动时C3 C4会引发ERS , (想象手运动时都会引发ERD,不管是CZ C3 C4,因为手的运动更简单,不需要那么大的注意定向)× (C3 C4是手的区域,是任务相关皮层,因此不管执行还是观察想象都会引发ERD)
- 2011 francuz The suppression of the mu rhythm during the creation of imagery representation of movement a) 棋盘实验(观察>想象 ;人手=棋子直接出现) b) attenuation of mu rhythms : mu波抑制的另一种检索方式 c) Ecological validity is crucial in the study of such phenomena as motor imagery, which is activated mostly in situations of social interaction. This was confirmed by research of mirror neurons, which used artificial objects as stimuli and then the effect of activation motor areas was not observed. In another situation, when the material was real video, researchers recorded the expected response 在运动想象等现象的研究中,生态效度至关重要,运动想象主要是在社会互动的情况下被激活的。通过对镜像神经元的研究证实了这一点,镜像神经元以人工物体作为刺激,未观察到运动区域的激活效果。在另一种情况下,当材料是真实的视频,研究人员记录预期的反应
生态效度是什么? (生态效度(Ecological Validity))是指实验结果能够推论到样本的总体和其他同类现象中去的程度,即试验结果的普遍代表性和适用性。生态效度也是心理学理论或实验研究结果推广到真实生活情境的程度的指标。生态效度是外部效度的一个组成部分,是衡量某一理论或某一实验结果是否具有实用价值的重要指标。
- 《具身语言学》第二章P45 描述未来动作的句子集中在动作的准备阶段,而不是动作的执行阶段,所以没有显著的激活相符合的运动共振(什么意思?)
大脑的相同感觉运动区域,在人们处理单词及其对象时得到激活,这一研究发现表明了语言处理的具身性。(Eskenazi,et al., 2019)
脑电研究中对眼球运动伪迹的处理: 为了避免眼球运动伪迹,大多数研究一次只呈现一个视觉刺激,按照比例缩放呈现在一定视觉范围内。 例如:书面句子通常逐句呈现(有些研究已经开发了在自然阅读中记录“注视相关电位”的方法)听觉刺激通常与固定的视觉刺激同时呈现,如 “+”;以使得被试的眼睛保持在屏幕中心(再找一下来自哪篇文献)
Effects of the differences in mental states on the mirror system activities when observing hand actions a) 擦海绵视频实验总结 三种实验情境:SO AU II 待更新
2014lapenta 综述 Motor network activation during human action observation 待更新
接下来要浏览的一部分文献: ¶
- Moving the hands and feet specifically impairs working memory for arm- and leg-related action words 理解和运动有关的语言时,会激活人脑中的动觉系统。动觉系统的激活会促进人脑对行为动词和句子的理解。 比如,手脚运动会影响对手脚词语的工作记忆加工,这个过程会伴随着人体不同区域的mu波抑制现象; 手部运动的同时会破坏对有关手部运动的词语和句子的理解, 这个抑制机制反应了MNS的活动与人类实际行为的互补。
- Bastiaansen, M., &Hagoert, P.(2006).Oscillatory neuronal dynamics during language comprehension. Progress of Brain Research,159, 179 196. 语言加工中脑振动功能意义的研究综述
- 什么是官群老师对动觉响应的定义?为什么motor resonance翻译为动觉响应而不是运动共振?怎么理解动觉响应受到词语的空间、时间、数量语义隐喻象征意义所决定的空间动觉一致性效应影响? 为什么同一本书里会出现两个不同的翻译? Guan, Q.C., Meng, W.J., Yao, R., & Glenberg, A. (2013). Motor system contributes to the comprehension of abstract language. Plos ONE. doi:10.1371/journa1.pone.0075183
- Pineda, J.A.(2005).The functional significance of mu rhythms: translating seeing and hearing into doing Brain Research Review,519,57 68.
- 以下是Perry的两个经典光点观察实验 Perry, A., & Bentin, S. (2010). Does focusing on hand grasping intentions modulate electroencephalogram mu and alpha suppressions? Neuroreport,21(16),1050一J .doi:10.1097/ WNR.0b013e32833fcb71
- Perry, A. Stein, L., & Bentin, S. (2011).Motor and attentional mechanisms involved in serial interaction Evidence from mu and alpha EEG suppression.Neurolmage,58,895 904.